Pakistan Journal of Wildlife
A Publication of
Pakistan Wildlife Foundation
Pakistan Wildlife Foundation aims to provide a platform for the nature lovers, university students, young scientists and researchers to communicate globally with biodiversity experts through publishing their wildlife related research. For this purpose, Pakistan Wildlife Foundation launched Pakistan Journal of Wildlife which is a quarterly and peer-reviewed research journal published both in electronic and print versions.
The journal publishes research on wildlife biology, wildlife ecology, wildlife diseases, wildlife conservation and management, sustainable use of wildlife resources and the interactions of these matters with social, economic and political issues.
The journal was launched in 2010; it could however, not be published due to some unavoidable reasons. Back issues of the journal are now being published both in electronic and print versions. Publishing a research or review article or a short communication in Pakistan Journal of Wildlife is free of cost and hence, a support to the young scientists and researchers. This is also an initiative to publicize any wildlife related research that remained unpublished due to shortage of financial resources.