Instructions to Contributors/Authors

While writing a research or review article or a short communication for Pakistan Journal of Wildlife, please follow the instructions and guidelines given below


Pakistan Journal of Wildlife (Pakistan J. Wildlife) is a bi-annual peer-reviewed research journal published by Pakistan Wildlife Foundation. It publishes original articles in English on all aspects of wildlife biology, wildlife ecology, wildlife diseases, wildlife conservation and management, sustainable use of wildlife resources and the interactions of these matters with social, economic and political issues. Publishing a research or review article or a short communication in Pakistan Journal of Wildlife is free of cost and hence, a support to the young scientists and researchers. This is also an initiative to publicize any wildlife related research that remained unpublished due to shortage of financial resources. Pakistan Wildlife Foundation welcomes the young scientists, teachers and researchers to publish their research in Pakistan Journal of Wildlife.



The manuscripts can be submitted as full length papers, review articles or as short communications. All manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor of Pakistan Journal of Wildlife through emailed at [email protected] / [email protected]. All manuscripts should be in MS Word files and complete in all respects and typed according to the style of Pakistan Journal of Wildlife.



Manuscripts not conforming to the instructions below will be returned for reformatting without review. The manuscript should have a uniform style, typed in double spacing and consist of sub-sections in the following sequence:


  1. Title page; 2. Abstract; 3. Text; further divided into Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion; 4. Acknowledgements; 5. References; 6. Footnotes; 7. Tables complete with title and footnotes; 8. Legends of figures and figures in that order. Each section should start on a new page.


Title page

The first page of the manuscript should include; (i) Complete title of paper; (ii) Full names of authors; (iii) Institution from which paper emanated with complete address; (iv) Total number of Figures and Tables; (v) Running title; (vi) Name, address, phone number and e-mail address of the corresponding author; (vii) Any necessary footnotes.



An abstract of not more than 250 words for full length papers and 150 words for short communications should be prepared. Suggest 5-7 key words for the purposes of indexing at the end of Abstract. Key words should not be the part of title. 



Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion will be the only central headings which will appear in bold capital letters. All other headings will be treated as side headings and will appear in lower case. Nothing in the text, except scientific names, should be underlined or italicized.



The sources of financial grants and other funding must be acknowledged. The contributions of colleagues or institutions should also be acknowledged.



References should be cited in the text by giving the author’s name followed by the year (e.g. Khan, 2006). Same principle will be followed for two authors (e.g. Khan and Hasnain, 2008). In the case of three or more than three authors, the references should be cited as Khan et al. (2010). All the references mentioned in the text should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of text as follows. Names of the Journals should be abbreviated according to the latest edition of the World List of Scientific Periodicals.

Khan, M. S., 1994. Key for identification of amphibians and reptiles of Pakistan. Pakistan J. Zool., 26(3): 225-249.

Khan, M.S. and Baig, K.J., 1992. A new tenuidactylid gecko from northeastern Gilgit Agency, north Pakistan. Pak. J. Zool. 24: 273-277.

Khan, W. A., Ahmad, E., Ali, H., Chaudhry, A. A., Akhtar, M. and Ahmad, M. S. 2009. A Survey of Smooth coated otter (Lurogale perspicillata sindica) in Sindh, Province of Pakistan. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin 26 (1): 15-31.


In the event that a cited author has two or more works published in the same year, the reference, both in the text and in the reference list, should be identified by a, b, c etc. after the date for distinguishing the work.

In short communications, references listed at the end should comprise of complete names of authors followed by the name of Journal, volume, first page, last page and year of publication given in brackets e.g. Rizvi and Shakoori (Pakistan J. Zool., 24: 301-307, 1992).



The manuscript should be typed with double space throughout on one side of A4 sized paper with a 1″ margin on all sides. All lines of the manuscript should be numbered continuously.


Tables: Tables should be self-contained and complement but not duplicating the information contained in the text. Tables should be numbered consecutively in the text in Roman numerals. Legends should be concise but comprehensive. Vertical lines should not be used to separate columns. Column headings should be brief, with units of measurement in parentheses; all abbreviations must be defined in footnotes. Footnote symbols: + -, §, should be used (in that order) and *, **, *** should be reserved for P-values. Statistical measures such as SD or SEM should be identified in the headings.


Illustrations: Illustrations should be prepared for reproduction as halftones or line drawings. All illustrations are to be submitted in complete and finished form with adequate labeling each on separate sheet.


Page charges: Publishing an article in Pakistan Journal of Wildlife is FREE of cost and a copy of the journal with article in it will be provided FREE of cost to all the author and co-authors.


Editorial correspondence: All editorial correspondence should be addressed to Editor, Pakistan Journal of Wildlife at; [email protected]